Important update on Doxy-PEP: doxycycline can interact with dermatology (skin) medications like Accutane and other Vitamin A / retinoid products, causing increased pressure around the brain. This can affect vision, cause temporary blindness, and headaches. There are also current studies looking at doxycycline’s effect on gut health, as well as its interactions between antacids, iron […]
Mild2Wild: Next PnP Zoom Discussion Group

- Mild2Wild: Next PnP Zoom Discussion Group
Mild2Wild: Next PnP Zoom Discussion Group
October 15, 2024
It’s time for our next edition of MILD2WILD, a virtual discussion group for guys who PnP! 😎 It’s free, anonymous (if you want) and on a drop-in basis!
Just email for the zoom link 🔗
Join us on Thursday October 17 from 7-9pm EST as we go over the intersection of PnP and the law. There’s a lot of misinformation floating around out there and you never know when you might have to brush up the system.
It’s good to be prepared and *know your rights*
We’ll cover:
📙 The Ontario Good Samaritan Act
📘 How to talk to police if you need to
📗 Should you call 911?
📕 How much can you carry? And more!